
‘puutto’ is an installation piece made out of woodcut prints, a projection of a charcoal animation and a text on window. The piece was on view in Asbestos Art Space in spring 2018 and it is the first part of the artistic research process that forms part of my social science master’s thesis at the University of Helsinki. The piece is a result of a process that centered around the role of art as a part of public discussion and sphere. ‘puutto’ was my final thesis work for Art School MAA.


vanishing (being destroyed)
oblivion, dissecting words
defining things and again
poison and protection.
absent in speech the one
that has no words
only images of self appear
what remains behind speech?
inadequacy, play of images.
so many inventions, so much living
made dead, unlivable.
leaving: to forget where one is going, to vanish passionately and without destination


katoaminen (tuhoutuminen)
unohdus, sanojen leikkely
asioiden määrittely ja uudelleen
myrkky ja suojelu.
puheessa poissaoleva se
jolla ei ole sanoja
syntyy vain omakuvia
mitä jää kielen taakse?
vaillinaisuus, mielikuvien peli.
niin monta keksintöä, niin paljon elävää,
tehty kuolleeksi, elinkelvottomaksi.
poistuminen: unohtaa minne on menossa, kadota kiihkeästi ja päämäärättömästi.


Photo: Minerva Juolahti