lumbung radio
lumbung radio is an inter-local online community radio that started as part of documenta fifteen. It’s an open online broadcast that comprises of an inter-local network of distinct radios and audio practices. It operates in no specific time zones, and streams multiple languages, music, and art. Each participating radio station depends on its own means of production, way of thinking, learning, and sharing. lumbung radio operates as a decentralized network of nodes that uses internet without its hegemonic agency. The intention is producing an audiophonic common space built on the multiplication of the existing practices of its contributors. lumbung radio is coordinated by the Station of Commons collective. lumbung radio is supported by the Kone Foundation.
Station of Commons
An ongoing collaborative initiative on digital commoning practices by Grégoire Rousseau (Helsinki), Juan Gomez (Geneva), Minerva Juolahti, Alain Ryckelynck, Constantinos Miltiades, Eddie Choo Wen Yi and Essi Pellikka.
Initiated in February 2020, Station of Commons investigates the possibilities of reappropriating technology within public space. The point of departure of the research questions both centralized knowledge and data centers operated by major organizations and its underlying social implications. What are the interdependences between the users, the providers, the services, the technology and related knowledge at work? And how to rethink another model of shared empowerment situated in time and space unique to its agent, or communities?